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Sunday 9 February 2020

Day 6-8 - Thursday to Saturday - at the Farm

Thursday Feb 6

We headed back to Naracoorte to get the maps printed and laminated to close off that project. On the way we went past a giant chicken farm, which reminded us all of Jane at Adelaide Uni who runs a chicken retirement farm!
Chooks everywhere!

While we were in Naracoorte we couldn't resist going back to Trev's Bargain Emporium again after Sunday's successful visit! This time it was just bits and pieces for the van and school projects.

In the cool of the evening I gave the deck a couple of coats of oil. By the way JJ Hill this is one of the lights at night on the van. The light spreads heaps with the awning out too. Been a great purchase.

Friday Feb 7

Ding, ding, ding ding, school's in! The kids have been listening to lots of 'Yes, What?' down here, and when they're not reading we can often hear the shouts of Percy, Bottomley, Stanford and Greenbottle echoing down the hallway! But today was school for real, and the reality of having to do actual school work came as rather a shock for the kids, after a pretty cruisy week and a half (for them at least). Nonetheless they knuckled down and got a good couple of hours of Maths and English done.

We took some rubbish out to the dump which gave the boys a chance to do a bit more driving. This was Jude 4WD'ing his way out of a (very small) bog...

...and this was Matt coming out of a slightly bigger hole. This was actually a couple of days ago but on the same topic.

Saturday Feb 8

Last night we decided it was about time to move on. The main reason we came to the farm was to update the map, but it gave us a chance for some much needed R&R! But having spent about 2% of our trip in a place we've come often we felt it was time to move on, so most of today was cleaning up. The kids did some more school work and I did some sorting out of tools in and around the van.

One of the annoying things about the Pajero is the rear tailgate is very close to the towball, which means it often hits the hitch handle on the caravan unless you have the tow ball sitting very low. I modified the handle a bit so it can swing down out of the way, and just be pulled up when needed. This wasn't my idea by the way. I had some strength concerns about this, but the handle is only used for releasing the tow ball lock, not for lifting the front of the van, so I'm pretty sure it'll be fine.

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