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Sunday 2 February 2020

Day 2 - Sunday - Farm, Penola

The ecclesia in Penola (a few left before lunch)
Busy day today! Slept until about 8:30 and had to scoot through breakfast to leave in time for the Sunday meeting in Penola. Greg did the exhort at Penola. Had a lovely ecclesial lunch together afterwards and a very interesting chat with Bro Terry on the atonement.

Foodland, Naracoorte
After leaving Penola, we stopped in Naracoorte and visited Trev's Bargains. This was a very interesting shop, basically a giant Ned's Emporium. It's the sort of place which doesn't look that exciting from the road but once you go in there's a lot of stuff, and it was so DEEP! You think you're at the back of the shop and suddenly discover there's a whole back section waiting to be explored! We collected some books for the kids to use for their journals, paints, art pens, drawing books and a few other bits and pieces. A bit of quick food shopping at Foodland and we were on our way again.

The rest of the afternoon was catching up on a bit of sleep and moving a few things into the farm house - we figured we may as well enjoy being in a house while we have the opportunity! We all got a pretty early night!

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