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Wednesday 5 February 2020

Day 3 - 5 - Monday - Wednesday - At the Farm

Well for the last couple of days we have just laid pretty low and rested as Greg and I felt quite tired and worn out from having quite a few late nights and early mornings trying to get everything done before departing.

Monday Feb 3

On Monday morning we had the privilege of sleeping in and being delivered breakfast in bed. Ahhhh!  The kids had taken the time to make us pancakes with all the trimmings and a coffee. It was rather yummy. Good cooks. 👍

We took the rest of the day fairly slowly, the kids went out and fed the bulls while we made some necessary phone calls that we didn't get to before leaving.

Later on Greg gave the boys some driving lessons in one of the nearby fields...

 ... while Bek and I did some relaxing colouring with some of our new art pens we found at Trev's bargains on Sunday. 😊

Closer to dinner time the caretaker came over to check on a heifer that is nearly due to calf so we chatted to him for a while then had dinner, readings and off to bed.

Tuesday Feb 4

Tuesday was another quietish day relaxing and catching up on some more sleep. Greg and Matt went for a run in the morning before breakfast

and the kids once again enjoyed feeding the bulls and listening to some CD's and playing card games.  After lunch we all went out in the ute and feed some of the cows out in the further fields...

... and came across a mum and very cute small calf that looked quite new. It may have been the calf that the caretaker was going to go and check on. We also saw another heavily pregnant cow not to far away so it may be her that's due pretty soon. We'll have to wait and see. They are so cute.

Wednesday Feb 5

Wednesday we got up and Greg and Matt went for another morning run. We had breakfast and then headed off to do some farm mapping. We'd made a map a few years ago but there'd been some changes to some of the fences, and the addition of a wildlife corridor, so we updated all these on the map.

This time of year the farm is understandably very dry!

But it's such a contrast to last time we were here in September 2017!

The kids enjoyed playing in the 'forest' and fort for a while and also had another drive around in the car. This time we were all in the car. Ahhhhh. No they were all very good controlled drivers. Farms are a good testing ground for practicing driving.

After lunch we drove to Frances (a small near by country town) to get some supplies then headed back for the afternoon, dinner and the rest of the evening.

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