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Wednesday 19 February 2020

Day 17 -19 - Timboon

Monday 17 February

Well last night was interesting! We got the bed at a reasonable hour and got some sleep before being disturbed by some other camping neighbours who decided it was a fun idea to start music and sing loudly at 1.15am until close to 4am. During this time we had quietly phoned police to ask them to come and talk to them as we just couldn't get to sleep and other campers were getting disturbed also. We didn't quite think they would be the type to quietly mind their own business! Timboon police station was closed so a patrol made its way over from Warrnambool, arriving a bit after 3. came about 20-30 minutes after the call and chatted with them after which all was quiet. Ahhh we could finally get some sleep.

I felt pretty awful in the morning so we had a quiet morning while I rested. It just so happened that there was a cricket match on the oval so Greg and the boys watched that for a while Bek read and did some drawing.

Later on in the day the kids found some blackberries in the nearby bushes so we picked a few and put them in a container to make some jam (hopefully) and also have on pancakes with cream sometime.

Later in the day it seemed to warm up quite nicely and I had improved so decided to do some washing. When we travel we either have to hand wash everything or find a caravan park (which we are hoping to avoid as much as possible but may need to at some stage) which has washing machines. This time it was hand washing. A washing bucket and two rinse buckets. Then the boys came over and helped when it was time to wring out the clothes. I needed a bit more muscle power and they were more than willing to help.

The kids did some school work while Greg got some business work done. A very different office to back at home. :) Much more relaxing.

All in all we had a relaxing day and got jobs done so pretty happy all round.

Tuesday 18 February

Well last night we had a better sleep but we were woken up by the most magnificent thunderstorm. It was right overhead and we could feel each thunder crack through the caravan floor. But we were all snug and dry in bed. I soon realised that the washing that I had put out the day before was now sopping wet again. :( I'd connected some ropes up to nearby trees as it was nice and sunny and the washing was starting to dry. But now we had to get them all dry again.
When we looked out in the morning we found a lot of things wet and buckets with plenty of water in.

Today felt like a good day to start with a hot breaky of pancakes. Yummo. We used some of our black berries.

 The kids did some school work and Greg did some business work while we waited for the weather to clear up so that we could finally have some outside time. By the afternoon it had cleared enough so we decided to check out the ice creamery down the road.

We were each given a stick with two flavours and had to choose 6 flavour between the 5 of us once we had taste tested. I tried rhubard and raspberry & passionfruit meringue, Greg had whisky cream & choc mint, Bek tried salted caramel & lemon sorbet, Matt tried maple & cinnomon & milk & cream & Jude tried espresso & ginger. We then narrow these flavours down to our 6 flavours in one bowl. Espresso, licorice, maple & cinnomon, rhubarb & raspberry, salted caramel & whisky cream. We shared it round fairly quickly as it was melting and we didn't want to end up with just a mush in the bottom of our bowl and not be able to taste all the individual flavours. But it was quite creamy and tasty. Well worth a visit if you are heading through Timboon.

As we were finishing up at the ice creamery it started to sprinkle so we made a quick stop at the shops for milk and then dashed back to make sure we got the washing under cover and starting to get dry. Thankfully we got back in time and moved the ropes under the awning.
It was fine for the rest of the afternoon so after some more school and business work & a bit of Agatha Christie the boys & Greg took the opportunity to play some more cricket out on the oval and later on Bek joined in for the last few rounds. Go Bek!

Wednesday 19 February

 Last night was another windy stormy night but we managed to all sleep in till about 8.30am. We got up and enjoyed a hot coffee while the kids did some drawing & writing.
The day was still a bit overcast and drizzly so looked to be another inside day getting school work and business work done.

Once some school work had been done we decided that a home ecc lesson would be a good idea as it was still raining off and on so blackberry jam was the first thing on the list.

The kids labelled the jam with their design and I must say it tasted very delicious.

As the morning went on the day got a little clearer so we looked up other things we could do in Timboon. Berry world was something that looked fairly close and something we could all do together. So we set off in our jackets to pick some strawberries and more blackberries. We picked 1kg of each. Yummo!

Bek of course found some horse to try and pat. 😊

While we were at Berry world we saw a sign that there was another place that took our fancy - "Timboon Cheesery"! We checked online where it was and when it’s open hours where and we had 30mins before closing time to decided to zip there and see what they had. When we got there the lady was just starting a tasting session so we joined in with the group.

They were all very yummy. Well mostly. We tried a natural yoghurt, a natural greek yoghurt, olma’s smoked rind cheese, plain butten, spiced butten and a Brie. Think there might have been more but I can’t remember. They were all pretty tasty apart from the Brie the kids didn’t like. It was quite strong.
After the tasting session we had the opportunity to taste other things ourselves, other flavoured honeys, different nut pastes, like cashew or macadamia paste, rhubarb chutney, coulis and other tasty delights. 

Once we had tried some of these things we bought some spiced butten, natural yoghurt and Greek yoghurt and left to get some crackers from the supermarket on the way back to the caravan.
Then onto making dinner and settling in for the night.

-- Mim

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