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Wednesday 12 February 2020

Day 11 - Cobboboonee National Park

 Well last night it lightly rained off and on so it was a bit of a disturbed night again but for natural reasons not big trucks going past this time. Nuts and rain drops falling on the roof, birds making noises, a wallaby munching on some grass close by, you name it I heard it.

This morning there was still a mist of rain so we enjoyed a cuppa inside & breakfast. Then we discovered if we wanted to stay here a few days we needed to make more room in our en suite amenities so needed to go into a nearby town. So we unhooked and headed for a nearby town called Heywood.

Heywood was a lovely town! Quite a bustle around town, people out and about, not a dead country town at all. We did a bit of shopping for things we found we needed plus some more hardware supplies for another project. (More about that below). After shopping we were all feeling a bit hungry so we found a local bakery (well third time lucky as the first two had run low on supplies) and had a early lunch. Our Pajero also found its twin! :)

Once we returned to our camp spot a family had gone so it was just us and another family. The kids did some school work...

and the boys had a Tech lesson with Dad on how to install a hand rail to be able to attach a light underneath the bunk when needed. Excellent work boys and Dad. 👍 We had been wondering how best to illuminate this little set of table and chairs - each of the Expanda bed ends has a light attached to a curly cable which can be pulled out into the bed section if needed. Jude found this reached from their bed across to the sitting area, so this became the basis for the idea.

More school work was done, marking, Greg did some work and then I showed the kids how to do some wood burning. Thanks Aunty Anna-Maria for the wood-burning kit!

Later on in the day we had a few cars come through and left again but had another couple join the camp spot for the night. 

Most of the day it has drizzled on and off. It's getting a bit miserable in a sense, we are thankfully warm, dry and very comfortable, but we hadn't really expected it to be quite like this in the middle of summer! We intentionally left behind the annexe walls for the caravan awning knowing there is no way we would need them....! Ha well it could have been quite useful for keeping some of the rain off our things! Not to worry, it's a nice sound to go to sleep to even if it curtails other things. It's a good excuse to get ahead on school work (or perhaps... catch up on what they missed while we were getting ready to go!)

Speaking of sleep... now it is time for me to stop for the day and head to bed. Happy reading and hope you are having a wonderful week.


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