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Saturday 1 February 2020

Day 1 - Adelaide to the farm (near Padthaway)

Well after what seemed like an eternity, we finally made it away today! We never imagined it would take so long to pack everything and finish off so many last minute things in the house! Our tenants very kindly gave us plenty of time to move out which was greatly appreciated (thanks Ras' all!)

We headed off about 4:15pm and stopped around the corner to set up the mirrors, reversing camera angle and a few other things. Mim also took the opportunity to review the packing list, where we found we'd omitted a couple of fairly important items. So we drove back home, reintroduced ourselves to our tenants, shared what wonderful adventures we'd had on our trip, and collected our last minute items before leaving again.

First stop was Supercheap Auto to collect some new wiper blades, then onto Hungry Jacks for what was officially lunch (as we hadn't gotten around to having any), but given the hour it ended up as dinner. From there we grabbed some fuel, did the tyres, and then headed up the freeway. Given Mim and I had 3 hours' sleep Tuesday night (painting) and 4 hours on Thursday, we were both very tired, so we stopped at Tailem Bend for the kids to stretch their legs and for us to change drivers. I had a bit of a sleep and we switched again at Keith. We got to the farm a bit after 11.

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