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Thursday 20 February 2020

Day 20 – Timboon to Apollo Bay

As the last couple of days had been quite overcast and we hadn’t travelled with the caravan, our van batteries we getting quite low so we decided it was time to move on and charge everything up so that we could get some work done. At least when you're driving the van batteries partly charge off the alternator. We also needed to get some washing done, have showers and generally were in need of a caravan park. So we booked ahead for a site in Apollo Bay which was our destination for tonight.

Greg, Matt and Jude went for a run down to Berry World, then we had breakfast and packed up. It takes us about 30 mins to pack up and move. With practice this time will get quicker. 😊

So we started our drive down towards the Great Ocean Road.

First spot was to visit was the London Bridge. What a beautiful spot. Even though it was lightly raining the view was magnificent. The grandeur of God's creation is just breath taking!

One half of London Bridge fell down in 1990. Over time these limestone formations will collapse, and as the shoreline is eroded new formations will emerge.

Then onto what was the 12 apostles, although nowadays only 8 are visible as 4 have collapsed. Still amazing sized rocks. As you can see the weather is still pretty cold and damp.

Once we had visited the 12 apostles we made our way through Great Otway National Park towards Apollo Bay. The scenery was stunning - even though the rain meant things were different to what we expected, it simply meant it felt like we were in a rainforest rather than just a normal forest! But the amount of ferns everywhere meant the rain was somehow appropriate!

Next was the cutest experience! Along the way we spotted a baby koala on the side of the road. Mim spotted it as we zipped past a driveway and we turned around and found it was still there! Initially we assumed it must have been injured so were approaching very cautiously but it just didn’t seem that fazed by us getting too close. It was the cutest little thing! Another car stopped to see what it was also and they happened to be from the US so they were pretty excited about seeing a koala up that close. All the kids got to touch it just a little and said that it was so soft. After a while it decided it would show us its climbing skills and we were able to film it going up a gum tree close by where it sat and seemed to just pose for us to take some cute photos.

We weren't sure what the little lump on its forehead was - does anyone know??

About 3pm we arrived in Apollo Bay caravan park in the afternoon after a very windy drive along the first part of the scenic Great Ocean Road, with the best bits still ahead of us. We were given a drive-through campsite which had a giant gum tree right in the middle! It was a bit squeezy trying to poke the van through the gap without the pop top hitting the tree nor the tail of the van hitting its neighbour, but we got there eventually!

The kids as usual pulled out the cricket stuff, and even Mim got in on the act!

 Bek and Jude used some old alfoil BBQ trays to make some plane models.

-- Greg and Mim (tag teaming :))

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