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Sunday 16 February 2020

Day 16 - Panmure to Timboon via Warrnambool

We had another nice sleep-in as we'd had a few nights of disturbance with noisy neighbours or rain etc. Today seemed a much nicer day so we decided it was probably a good day to move on.

First we stopped in Warrnambool again to swap the van's fluids again, and then we finally got to spend some time at Lake Pertobe adventure playground!

 We'd gone past this on Friday but hadn't had time to stop, and all Saturday was wet, but at last the kids got to stretch their legs! It had a maze, play ground, lake with canoes you could hire and various other interesting things.

We had lunch then got the canoe down from the top of the car for the kids to paddle around the lake. They had a great time playing smugglers, picking up and dropping off secret cargo at islands and concealed bays in the lake, it was so good to see them working well together.

Once the kids we dried and changed we headed for Timboon, which we'd heard from someone at Cobboboonee was a great spot and had a pretty awesome ice creamery. We shall hopefully find out!

We had headed off fairly late in the afternoon so decided to grab some dinner along the way so that it wasn't too late getting to bed once we got there. So Hungry Jacks it was. We arrived at Timboon Recreation Reserve about 7pm and still had some light so the boys & I played some cricket before quiet time and bed.

-- Greg

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