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Friday 27 March 2020

Day 56 (March 27) - Lake Wivenhoe to Brisbane

Today was a pretty uneventful day. We left our free camp near Lake Wivenhoe around lunchtime. We headed south as we were hoping to pick up a light bar for the Pajero from the 4WD Supacentre in Brendale, but when we phoned them from Fernvale we found they were out of stock.

While we were there we had noticed a 4WD track off to the side of the main road, so figured as we had a bit of time to kill (we weren't due to arrive in Kallangur until after 5) we may as well unhitch the van and VERY GENTLY give it a go!

Here's a quick video of some of what we did. We took it pretty easy, but it was challenging enough for us to enjoy it as first-timers!

From there it was a pretty seamless drive into Brisbane and to stay with family for the next couple of weeks until we get a clearer picture of how the Coronavirus restrictions are developing.

-- Greg and Mim


  1. Thinking of you guys with the restrictions ramping up - May God bless you all and keep you safe.

  2. Thanks very much! :) We're staying safe and well, thinking of all back home too!

    Love us


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