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Wednesday 18 March 2020

Day 47 (March 18) - Reeves Beach

Wednesday 18 March 

We woke up late again today as we'd had a bit of a disturbed night. Bek was a bit unwell during the middle of the night but she's ok now. We all got and went for a walk/run along the beach which was a beautiful way to start the day. There was no-one to be seen. We had the beach all to ourselves.

The weather has been so beautiful the last couple of days. Between 20 and 30 so perfect weather for a dip in the sea. Greg and the kids went for a few swims - the waves were really good for body surfing.

Later in the day the clouds came over and a whole lot of flies moved in. We found a few of these really big ones they were quite harmless.

-- Mim

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