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Thursday 5 March 2020

Day 34 (March 5) - Daylesford to Inverleigh via Geelong

Thursday 5 March

Today we woke to continuous rain which is such a lovely sound when you are all snuggled up and warm. :) But not such a great sound when you're hoping to pack up in the dry!

Today we plan to meet up with one of Greg's cousins and his family in Geelong in the afternoon (this is Greg's Mum's sister's son). She has two boys who are now in the late 40's with 3 children each. We last saw them several years ago at her husband's funeral, and the time before that our kids would have been too young to remember any of them. It will be lovely to catch up with them again.

Ooh... fog and light rain!

As it was raining we stayed in the van and did some school and business work and waited for a break in the rain to be able to pack up. Well it got to about lunch time and the break still hadn't come so we had lunch and decided to start packing up anyway so that we didn't run short on time. We had about a 1 1/2 hour drive from Mount Franklin Reserve to Geelong so we needed to leave by 1.30pm.

We got on the road and found we were stuck behind a fairly slow car for quite some time. But we were on our way.

Greg, Bek, Judah, Mim, Colin, Claire,
Matt, Angela, Harry, Matthew
We arrived around 3.30pm which meant everyone was home from school. We met Colin, Angela, Matt, Claire & Harry Sherlock and also their cute cavoodle Poppy - the same as our dog, just cream in colour. We had a lovely afternoon catching up about all sorts of things over coffee and cake.

The kids went off and played table tennis with the two boys, then as the weather seemed to fine up a bit they all hopped in the pool and had a great time.

It was getting quite late and they needed to go out so we made our way back out to our trusty Inverleigh for the night! We arrived after 6.30pm. The spot we stayed in last time was taken (just behind the van and to the right in this picture), so we stayed where Ashleigh and her horse had been last time, close to the rope swing. The kids were going to have a shower to wash off the chlorine but Matt decided he was going to brave the river before his shower so headed for the rope swim - see below for his verdict!!

After this is was dinner and bed!

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