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Thursday 19 March 2020

Day 48 (March 19) - Reeves Beach to Waddy Point via Sale and Bairnsdale

Thursday 19 March

Today we left Reeves beach to hopefully get to somewhere near Lakes Entrance. We had a lovely morning drive and read Nehemiah 8 in the car.

We stopped in Sale for some bits and pieces. 

The kids and I went to spotlight to get some sheet smoothers as we have found that packing up our beds on each expanda end the sheets creep up and remain wrinkled and become quite uncomfortable during the course of the night. So I thought I would give theses a go. We also went to Chemist warehouse and bought vitamin C and panadol before they all run out.

A few more kms down the road we came to Bairnsdale and needed to fill up with water and also get rid of the other battery that we replaced in the van. We found there was somewhere that recycled batteries in Bairnsdale and headed there. After dropping off the battery as we were heading out we came across a Bunnings. We had a few things we now needed so stopped off to get the necessary supplies. Bek and I made lunch while the boys went in.

We couldn't locate where we could fill up with water on Wikicamps so Greg rang the local information centre and they directed us to a boat ramp where there was a tap on some fish cleaning bench that we could use. We drove around for a bit but couldn't find it so Greg rang them back for further directions and we were then able to then find the tap.

During the course of our travels we have noticed a few times that one side of our van brakes seems to be locking up and skidding. So Greg made some phone calls and got the caravan booked in for tomorrow morning while the kids and I went over to the play ground area. I even went down this steep slide but ended up with a bit of skin taken off my elbow. Was kind of fun though.

The booking in of the van meant we had to stay around Bairnsdale for the evening, so found a free camp about 15km away in a place called Waddy Point. This was right next to the water and was a very picturesque site!

The boys made a small fort out of some driftwood!

Mr Fix-it at it again testing the brakes.

Greg did a few checks on the brakes, enough to find they were at least basically working, we had hoped to maybe not have to pay someone else to do what may have been an easy job.

-- Mim

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