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Tuesday 17 March 2020

Day 46 (March 17) - Wilsons Promentary to Reeves Beach

Tuesday 17 March

We got up this morning around 8.30am and enjoyed a slowish morning having a coffee and then scrambled eggs and bacon. Yummo!

Well while we were packing up Greg decided to give me a surprise. He's now shaved off his beard. Arghh!!! I actually like him with a beard so it's more of a shock to me than a surprise but I'll get used to it quick enough.

We left Tidal river about 11.30am and headed for our next stop up the south east coast of Victoria, which was to be Reeves Beach near Woodside. 

As we came in the town of Foster I suggested we stop and get some more supplies while we could so that we could keep going. We got our milk and carrots and a few boxes of tissues and found a nearby bakery, so we figured we'd get lunch here and save the food in the freezer for another day when we weren't close to a town.

We then headed for the service station to swap over another gas bottle. We came across another family who is tripping around Australia and heading up near Lakes Entrance where we are heading, and they had also been at Tidal River last night when we'd been there.

We left there and drove about another 70 or so kms and came to Reeves Beach. We drove around the track for the perfect spot but there seemed to be quite a few people there already. So we made a U-turn (and actually scratched a bit of the back of the car in the process as it was a tight turn around) and drove back down the track to where we thought would be a good spot. We hopped out to have a look around and discovered this little secluded spot just around the corner of some bushes. So we backed around and set up. Ahhh I can hear the waves in the back ground. Perfect. Love the roar of the ocean.

 The boys pretty soon found a dirt patch to drive around their much loved cars they were given a week or so ago.
 The kids wanted to try out their canoe again and had made a makeshift sail. So we headed for the beach up a track and over some sand dunes. It was quite cool but they all braved the water and played in the sand.
Blue bottle jellyfish

-- Mim

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