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Monday 16 March 2020

Day 45 (March 16) - Boolara to Wilson's Promentary

We had a relatively good sleep at Boolara with just one wake up from our nearby neighbours who were having a bit of a loud disagreement at 4.30am so consequently we slept in the next morning.

Today we are headed for Wilson's Promontory, which is the little spit of land poking out from the bottom of Victoria. Fun fact: This peninsula is host to the southern-most tip of mainland Australia!

As we were driving today down through the hills and beautiful countryside I spotted an apple tree by the side of the road. (I'd actually seen quite a few apples on the road a few hours early and thought it was a funny spot to all of a sudden see apples but thought nothing else of it until we came across this tree that was quite close to the road). So we decided to stop and walk back and investigate the tree and see if the apples were ripe. It appeared to be a pink lady apple it was lovely and crunchy but just a bit tart. Maybe nice and ripe in a few days or a week or so. Was a nice explore none the less.

We then drove on through numerous towns and made our way to Tidal River on Wilsons Promontory, which is the only camping area on the Prom unless you have a permit and intend to do trekking and tenting as you go. Obviously this wasn't us!

It was getting close to lunch time so we decided to pull off on a gravel road which would take us to a picnic area. While Greg looked up Tidal river camp ground and made an online booking I made hot dogs. I pulled out the buns which we had bought and then went to pull out Jude's gluten free hot dog buns and found them to be going mouldy. :( So I put them outside for some other animals to eat. But while I was going on my way up a nearby path I came across a baby snake and got the fright of my life. 😲 I stood still (after making a bit of noise) and managed to keep myself calm and watch it slither away. The others all came out to investigate but by this stage it had gone and was well hidden.

We discovered this pretty beetle on the picnic table.
This is Whisky Bay! A short walk to the beach
but the view was lovely.
We drove on for a while and we came across this spectacular view as we came over a hill getting closer to Tidal river - it's just beautiful isn't it?
Hilly windy roads
The excitement over finding a toilet roll!
 We pulled into the campground and it wasn't obvious where we needed to head to so we went into the shop nearby to ask for some advice. While we were there we decided to have a look around and see if they had any toilet paper as we were pretty low and hadn't been able to get some any where else. Then we found one. The one and only toilet roll left. We couldn't believe it. We looked at the price and misread it the first time as $10 for just the one roll but then realised it was actually $2.50 for one which was much better. We were so excited as you can see from our faces.

We arrived about 3.30pm and and set up. We then enjoyed a cup of tea and decided to take a drive down to the southern-most tip of the Prom. Unfortunately we hadn't noted on the map that the tracks south of Tidal River were walking tracks, not roads! So we got to a lookout and discovered nothing but a few hiking trails heading off in various directions! So that was the end of our plan to make it to that landmark!

On returning to the camp, the kids got themselves all ready to go for a swim/canoe. Well they didn't have much success as there wasn't much water and it was so blowy and cold so we headed back.
After making our way back to the van we discovered some friendly Crimson Rosellas, much to the kids delight! We all got in on the action and had a go.

In the sudden absence of beef mince, we enjoyed Turkey Bolognese for dinner, did a reading and got ourselves ready for bed.

-- Mim

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