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Sunday 12 April 2020

Status update - 12 April

Hi all,

Just a quick update as to our plans and a few random photos of our time here along the way!

We have been staying with family since just over two weeks ago now, and about a week ago we agreed we would move to a campsite further up the coast on Friday (two days ago). We had only ever intended to stay here for a week or two. So we had booked a campsite with this in mind, but as the time approached we realised the Friday we had booked our stay to commence was Easter Friday.

Pool Volleyball
This in itself shouldn't be a problem, except that all state authorities have been making a huge fuss about people NOT going away for Easter, and a 4WD with caravan in tow and a canoe on the roof is just the type of rig which would attract exactly the wrong type of attention! Our only saving grace might be the SA plates to prove we weren't locals, but we still wondered how understanding the local constabulary on a day when they would be trying as hard as possible to stop people travelling, and potentially be willing to make an example of those who did.

An isolated afternoon of beach exercise at Bribie Island
So I phoned Caloundra Police Station ahead of time and explained our situation - we are essential travellers, our van is our home and we don't currently have a fixed address to return to, and are unable to stay in our current location permanently. I was hoping there would be a document we could get to show any arresting officer to prevent any problems. They understood our situation but said there was no such document available, and it would simply be up to the discretion of any officer who pulled us over as to whether they would accept our story and consider us 'essential travellers', or give us a fine! Of course if they did the latter, it's unlikely they would allow us to continue on our merry way.

 So our hosts have kindly agreed for us to stay here for another few days to get through the weekend.

Our current plan now is to leave here on Tuesday next week (16th April) and head to a farm up the coast near Bundaberg where we will stay for the next few weeks until we have a better idea how things are going to pan out and when we might be able to move again. This site is on a saltwater river not far from the ocean and has rainwater tank water available, so sounds to be a good option. Naturally it is a paid campsite unfortunately but that's about the only option under these sorts of conditions.

We hope you're all well and will update our status once we're on the move again!

-- Greg

The boys with their cubby!

Fitting a light bar to the Pajero - this had been an idea but we hadn't intended to do much night driving - since then we've done an almost all-nighter coming dash back to Adelaide and a few late nights getting across the QLD border!

The finished project

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