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Thursday 16 April 2020

Day 76 (April 16) - Buxton

We were woken early by some kookaburras after not such a great night's sleep, as some of the biting midges had made their way into the van and had a bit of a feast.

After breakfast (of Froot Loops which we had reluctantly agreed to buy in Childers!), Judah and I wet for a swim out to one of the sandbars which was getting closer to the surface as the tide went out. On our way we discovered some very interesting wildlife on one of the sandbars, so I went back to get the GoPro and took Bek out with me to show her! I'll let you see for yourselves:

As you can see the shallows were still very muddy and it was quite a lot of effort to walk through out to the sandbars where you could at least take a rest.

After we returned, I taught Matt how to play Backgammon while we munched on some of the Peanut Van peanuts from yesterday, as well as some shelled nuts we'd bought some weeks ago.
Matt hard at work with the nutcracker on some almonds and hazelnuts

The rest of the day was a pretty quiet one. I did some business work, the kids did some more work on the post-production of their Legend of the Lost Prince video (see the Brisbane entry). Later at night I ran through it and made a few final changes. We were still periodically getting bothered by biting midges, and you'll see tomorrow the evidence!

-- Greg

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