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Thursday 10 June 2021

June 10 (Day 399) - Wilmington to home

During the night we'd heard sheep and goats bleating on the hills nearby. I daresay they were cold because we sure were! After a morning cup of tea (for the kids too) for our sore throats, we left our campsite early again and headed straight into Wilmington.

The view from our camp spot near Wilmington


We had to empty the portable toilet before getting into metropolitan Adelaide as there are no dump points handy in town so we did this in Wilmington.

While there we found a set of keys from someone else's caravan water inlet and rang the number on the keys, but the number turned out to belong to the previous owner! So we left the keys at a nearby service station. This all took a bit of time, and we were getting hungry so bought some bacon and eggs at a cafe in Wilmington. The food was lovely! The guy who ran the place was a bit odd, he was cooking some muffins and invited the kids into the kitchen to help him make them. We said they could but kept an eye on things, and Mim went in there after a while. It was all fine and the kids enjoyed helping out.

By this time the toy museum was open so we spent half an hour or so there.

Bek found a suitable nook with a pile of old books!

... while Matt was in his element with all the toy cars!

After Wilmington it was pretty well just driving to get home. A quick break in Lochiel, then afternoon tea at Beck's Cafe in Dublin who have delicious apple turn-overs.

Afternoon tea in Dublin

And about two hours later, after picking Shadow up from Uncle David and Aunty Ruth's, we were home!


-- Greg

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