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Wednesday 14 April 2021

April 12-14

 Just a quick update before we go out of signal for the next few days. Using the free wifi at the rest stop on the corner of Great Northern Highway and Karijini Drive.

April 12 we headed into Karijini, drove 80km to get to the entrance only to find a sign to say the gorge walks were closed due to impending rain. The same happened with the next gorge we tried. So we ended up going back to the free camp.

April 13 was raining all day so we were stuck in the van. Played Monopoly if I recall with Jude.

April 14 we'd hoped would be better. It had some patches of no rain but it was still raining in parts of the day. The van had a couple of water leaks so in the evening we spent about two hours shifting it under a shelter at the free camp. And then it stopped raining.

Tomorrow April 15-17 we go into Dales Gorge Campground in Karijini when the weather is supposed to have cleared up. We intend to do several gorge walks. Then on Sunday 18th the plan is to drive out towards Coral Bay. We stay there the 19th and 20th, and then head up towards Exmouth.

Hopefully by Coral Bay we should have signal back again.

God bless!
- Greg and Mim

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