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Thursday 7 January 2021

Jan 7 (Day 324) - Herron Point Campground to Tuart Free camping area

We were woken this morning by some strong winds which were making our awning rattle and shake the whole van. Then our neighbours decided they were going to leave early as well, and treated us to an approximate rendition of "The Caravan Hitching Chorus". It goes like this:

'Just a little bit more, No not that far.
Some more to the left. Bit more, nah nah!
Now you've gone too far, take it back to the right,
Oh strewth Les luv, this'll take all night!'

And then the chorus:

"Now she's hitched on, let's pretend our Prado's a Mack,
And let 'er idle all hour, and make the neighbours crack!"


Having listened to an approximate version of this, we gave up the idea of sleeping any further so got up and had our coffee to start the day. It's going to be a warm day today so finding a nice spot to swim is on the cards.

We headed down the freeway towards Bunbury area and came across a huge playground and cafe that we'd heard about. It's called the Crooked Carrot. It was set up so beautifully. Lots of homemade jams, preserves & other such delights. We got a coffee to share and a muffin and went out to the playground area. 





We didn't stay that long as it is quite hot, and there were lots of small annoying flies. Greg and I had a poke around their veggie patch and reminisced about our veggie garden at home and how nice it will be to grow our own veggies again. Fresh food is so delicious and good for us. Just the way God made it. 

When we started up the car the Check Engine light came on. Greg realised he'd forgotten to reconnect a connector from the work last night, so after clearing the fault code with the EDS scan tool we were back in business.


Off again down the highway and into Bunbury. First stop was to be another op-shop as we discovered yesterday that I left behind my bather shorts and had to borrow and old pair of Greg's. The first op shop we found I found a few pairs and tried them on and bingo I had some more swimming shorts. YAY. 

While we'd been in the shops Greg had been down to the beach to park and wait and said it was worth checking out - so we drove down to the foreshore to see what that was like. WOW the water looked so blue and inviting! So into our bathers for an impromptu half hour swim. First of all we were in a little alcove between some rocks which looked quite cool, but we soon realised that if any big waves came the kids on their boards would just get washed straight into the rocks. So we moved over to where it seemed a little more calm and a bit more beach space without rocks.

Lunch at Bunbury

We had lunch on the foreshore and then made our way down the coast which reminded us a lot of driving along Cove Rd in Hallett Cove, south of Adelaide.

We have now stopped at a free camp just north of Busselton for the night. Along the coast from Bunbury to Augusta doesn't seem to have a lot in the way of free camp options unless you go more inland so we might just visit the coast during the day for swimming and visiting various sights and then head inland to camp for the night.


-- Mim and Greg

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