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Friday 24 January 2020

We're still here! (but that's OK)


Not sure if that's from all the late nights or the early mornings, but either way we seem to be moving towards our departure at a glacial pace!

We started this project with a prioritised list of things to work through; but invariably the list grows as we discover more things we didn't know beforehand, and things take three times as long as we expected. So while our list of completed jobs is getting longer and longer, the list of things to do is hardly getting any shorter!

Quick tip: We use Trello to plan our jobs list. We keep it on our phones, and the Kanban (cards) view allows us to quickly reorder the tasks in the list. Once we've done jobs, we move them to a Done list so we can celebrate what's already been completed.

Nonetheless, while it's frustrating everything's taking longer than we wanted, it's also important to embrace the enjoyment of the tasks we're working on rather than getting frustrated about how long it's taking. As Mary Poppins said at the start of the famous "A Spoonful of Sugar" song:

"In every job that must be done
There is an element of fun
You find the fun, and snap!
The job's a game"

Aaaanyway... here's a quick sample of what we've been working on this week:

The caravan came with a rear cargo tray. The fixings needed some work to make it easily removable at a later date if necessary. We also picked up some jerry cans and jerry can holders from Gumtree (thanks Robert!), and a toolbox from Bunnings.

Robert also kindly let us roam through his shed and we collected this portable kitchen sink!

Finalised all the battery wiring, installed inverter, battery voltage and current meter, and switch to bypass the diodes protecting the battery in order to allow the solar regulator to 'see' the batteries so it'll start charging.

Installed these two outside lights on the van - it's now brilliant at night!

Installed the roof tray and racks on the Pajero (plus did a transmission and power steering fluid flush)

So things are moving forward, sloooowly!


  1. Are your outside lights two colour? Maybe orange for night time?

  2. Nope they're definitely white lights, LED strips we put in ourselves. We'll post a photo of them on at night time for you!


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