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Friday, 31 January 2020

Departure time update

Current plan is to head off tomorrow (Sat Feb 1). We're almost there now but there's not much point heading off at 6pm!

Thursday, 30 January 2020

30 Jan update

Well we're making progress but had some unexpected issues with the car today - an idler pulley lost its nut and spacer so was just hanging on by the belt! So we had an unexpected two hours at the wreckers getting a replacement.

It's looking unlikely we'll be heading off at 10am tomorrow, especially as we remembered at bed time we'd planned on finishing this job before we left. So this was us at 1:30 this morning (the job was finished by about 3)!
Why sleep at 2am when you can paint architraves?
As a result of both these, we're pretty worn out today. Our tenants have kindly given us a bit more time to make up so we'll see how quickly we get through things tomorrow!

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

36 hours to go!

Just shot this quick video to give you an update of where we're up to!

Saturday, 25 January 2020

Friday, 24 January 2020

We're still here! (but that's OK)


Not sure if that's from all the late nights or the early mornings, but either way we seem to be moving towards our departure at a glacial pace!

We started this project with a prioritised list of things to work through; but invariably the list grows as we discover more things we didn't know beforehand, and things take three times as long as we expected. So while our list of completed jobs is getting longer and longer, the list of things to do is hardly getting any shorter!

Friday, 17 January 2020

Greg's last day at work

Well today was my last day at work! I'd (it feels odd saying it in the past tense)... I'd been at Adelaide University for nearly 21 years, so it was quite a surreal moment to pack up my office, farewell colleagues of many years and walk out.

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Installing a rear camera on a 2010 Jayco Expanda

Our 4WD came with a monitor for a rear camera, but the van didn't have one. In this video, see how we installed the camera, and in particular where exactly to run the wiring for as 'factory' a looking install as possible!

Thursday, 9 January 2020

Painting Days

Who said school had to start in February?! This was supposed to be a school project Mim prepared for the road, but the kids decided to get into class early!